Mimecast is committed to ensuring that organizations can work protected. They also believe in the power of gratitude and called in the help of MD Services to organize a mouthwatering endeavor.
To express Mimecast’s appreciation for the outstanding sales efforts of their resellers, MD Services organized surprise on-site foodtruck experiences that tantalized the taste buds. MD Services provided an all-in service that included selecting the best foodtruck, managing the logistics and ensuring that the both the site and product branding was spot-on.
Although the Dutch ‘frietje’ in this delectable experience was important it wasn’t just about the food; it was about creating memories and strengthening the bond Mimecast shares with their resellers. It was Mimecast’s way of saying “thank you” and letting their resellers know that they value their partnership beyond measure.
The impact was huge and since MD Services took care of everything it was also stress-free for Mimecast.